Catfish Craft
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It’s the 2nd Annual Catfish Craft with even more of your favorite wineries and breweries! Plus, live music by Echo Black River!
About this event
Last year was a tremendous success so we’re doing it again, and this time a bit bigger! Craft beer, wine, and hard ciders from the area’s best producers will be tasted out down in Duck Pond Park under the beautiful shade trees. Live music by Echo Black Review, these guys are incredible!
Participating Wineries: Elmaro Vineyard, DnA Vintners, Lost Island Winery, Brambleberry Winery, and Bemis Bluff Winery
Participating Cideries: Hog’s Back Brew Farm (Ecker’s Apple Farm), Hoch Winery and Cidery, Maidenrock Winery and Cidery
Participating Breweries: 608 Brewing Company, Pearl Street Brewery, Skeleton Brew Crew, Sand Creek Brewery, Island City Brewing Company, Turtle Stack Brewery, Driftless Brewing Company, Goose Island Brewing Company, Bell’s Brewery, La Crosse Distillery, and Hillsboro Brewing Company
This is a fundraiser for the incredible Trempealeau Lions Club who work so very hard to put on Catfish Days. ALL monies earned go right back out into the community to fund good works, good deeds, and good people.
***Please Remember*** Your button is not included in the price of this ticket. You will need to purchase a button for $7 at the Catfish Days entrance or for a pre-sale cost of $5 at any button-selling Trempealeau Business.