Giving Sight! Our latest video highlighting donor Paul Francar, who gave the gift of sight to two recipients in Vietnam. Along this 8,300-mile journey, there were many compassionate people who helped to honor Paul’s last wish. I hope you take the time to view this short eight-minute video and see how amazing Paul’s story is.

The Trempealeau Lions Club is a community service organization chartered in 1972. We currently have about sixty members. Money earned from our fundraisers, especially Catfish Days, is funneled back into the community for projects, scholarships, sponsorships, and help for those with special needs.
Local Youth
Community Projects
Health Support
Honoring Community Members
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Ensure Child Education Over The World
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Ensure Child Education Over The World
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We Serve…
The Trempealeau Lions Club is a community service organization chartered in 1972. We currently have about sixty members. Money earned from our fundraisers, especially Catfish Days, is funneled back into the community for projects, scholarships, sponsorships, and help for those with special needs.
Here’s a quick look at some of the programs and groups the Trempealeau Lions have supported recently.
- Trempealeau Elementary Weekend Food Bag Program
- Trempealeau Duck Pond renovation project
- $8,300 to seven flood-stricken villages in SW Wisconsin (2018)
- Local families in need
- State Lions Camp (for children & young adults with special needs)
- G E T scholarships
- Lions’ Eye Bank & WI Transplant House
- Leader Dogs for the Blind
- Camp Needlepoint ( a camp for children living with diabetes)
- GET School District eyeglasses fund
- Little Bluff Trail project
- Freedom Honor Flight
- Children’s Hospital of WI
- Get Everyone Together (community Thanksgiving dinner)
- FCCLA Trip Donations
- Badger Girls State
- Badger Boys State
- GET Booster Club
- GET Post Prom Party
- The Al Bratberg Memorial
Without your support of our fundraisers we could not donate the many thousands of dollars we do each year. Thank you!